Society of Property Management and Valuation Student UTM


Kediaman Staf Desa Bakti UTM JB

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera. I believe it had been a while since i had not write any article. I'm sorry about that, but actually this happen because the amount of time that seams to be very limited for me this semester. With all those PEHARTA program, such as PROMAC, ACAVIS and lots other activity organize by the society, it makes me unable to find a suitable time to write something. But, relieving the important of this article, i force my self to find a time so that I could share what was going on my mind now for the past two or three weeks ago. Most of the college in UTM, in my opinion, are quite comfortable, but what about the university staff building block, know as Desa Bakti. We need to understand that these are the people that had help us all the time since we all first came to this wonderful university. I know that you all probably wondering what was the point here, so I believe maybe I could start this article with a story. 

About two weeks ago, Afiq, Aizuddin, Azlan and my self plan went to go for a meeting in each university and college that offed real esate studies in Malaysia, so we went there using faculty vehicle. To make it short, before we left we had to stop in Desa Bakti because the driver need to meet his friend first. I had been a UTM student for almost 3 years now, although it is not the first time I went there but I had to admit it was the first time i realize about the poor condition of the building there. The landscape, the building condition,even the paint are in bad condition, everything just doesn't reflect the university know reputation as one of the best university that have a beautiful landscape in Malaysia. That time it just struck me. This because, all those people that live are the one that had help not just me, but all the people that depend on the university, this are the people that make us feel happy, comfortable, and safe living inside the university, yet looking at the area condition, it just makes me feel disappointed.

As one of the student that studies real estate in UTM, I know that I need to do something, so a few days before I went back to Ipoh for my hari raya holiday, I had stop there again to see the place once again. During that time, i had just realize something again, we as student we had always organize many community service programs for people in other places, people that we even dont know, but we had never organize something such as that for the people that had help us thought our time in UTM that is the university staff. So I went back to my room, and open my diary, i just start writing about the things that i believe somehow can help those people that lve in the area. At the end i end up with a community service programs for Desa Bakti area. I write down the idea, objective and the effect that I want from the program. Now, i still doing the proposal and hopefully the next PEHARTA president can make it happen. My idea was for us to set up a special fund from the student donation then use the money to repair minor building default and maybe, if it is enough we can paint the building block again. We also will gather as much student that we can then clean the whole place, and maybe redecorate the area again.

We can also  organize a session with the staf children that are still studying in school for a motivation session. other than to motivate we can help create a nice relationship between us and the staff family. Although, by doing all of that we cannot repay the scarifies that the university staff had done for us, but hopefully it will somehow help to lower the burden, motivate and create a good relation between us as student and the staff, then together we can improve the university and ensuring the university policy in becoming a clean, beautiful university archive, but also building a university based on the concept of family could be archive. Therefore, I really hope for a support from all student, not just member of PEHARTA but all student in making sure this program archive its objective and mission. I also open in receiving any kind of idea for the programs. Any suggestion can be post to PEHARTA facebook page or send to my official email. Thanks You for reading this article.

Shukry Radzi

Real Estate Student Conference 2010 (RESC 2010)

PEHARTA is not a society that has just been established; instead its initiation has been very synonymous with UTM itself as one of the first university to offer real estate courses in Malaysian. However, these days they are many other higher education institutions that offer the same course, either  the public or private institution, for example UiTM, UTHM, and Shahputra College and of cause the National Institute of Valuation also known as INSPEN

Unfortunately, until now, we still failed to establish a uniform and strong union between one and another. For example, between PEHARTA UTM Skudai and PEHARTA UTM KL itself, the same university yet there is no consistence between one another. Although previously they are many others joint venture programs between colleges and university, but unfortunately the number of programs like this are extremely small. Besides, they are also problems involving with the commitment of the committee members, where some of them have a lack of interest with the society itself and eventually this will result in making the society inefficient either for the student and even the institution.

Based on that problem, for the first time PEHARTA UTM Skudai will be hosting Real Estate Student Conference 2010 that will be held on 16th-19th September 2010.This program is actually designed to become as a platform in establish a unite and council for all the real estate student in Malaysia. Real Estate Student Conference 2010 (RESC 2010) is expected to involve a total of nearly 200 students from various Malaysian higher education institutions that offering courses real estate studies whether in diploma or degree. 

One of the main events is the meeting between all the real estate society presidents from all institution that join RESC 2010. The meeting will discuss about the establishment of a council between presidents of real estate student society in all of the education institutio. The Council will serve as the backbone of all the society and will be responsible in making a uniform and standardize society of real estate student. Among the propose idea can be read in this article, ‘Proposed idea for the establishment, Council of President Society Property Management and Valuation Malaysia'.

I really hoped that with the establishment of this council, there will be a strong unity among all real estate students in Malaysia and I believe that if this things had been achieved, there will be no more problem within the society and it will fully efficient for all the student and the education institution itself. Then maybe one day, it will help to improve the real estate industry in Malaysia. Hopefully.

Shukry Radzi

PEHARTA Official Website Grand Opening

Knowing the fact that internet these days  is one of the most command type of communication and information source. Therefore in early february 2010, PEHARTA have try to build its own official website. The purpose is to promote information about the society activity while given a chance for the members to connect between each other. The official grand opening of the website will be held in N24, UTM in 27 July 2010. All student are encourage to come. During the grand opening, for the first time, PEHARTA will have its first membership registration to any student who are interested. I personally would like to invite all student to the opening and hopefully the programs will run smooth and archive its goals.

Shukry Radzi
PEHARTA UTM President 

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